Florida Department of State Fees:
Corporations, general (F.S. Chapter 607)
Limited Liability Companies (F.S. Chapter 608)
Basic Filing Service - Florida Corporation:
- Preliminary name availability check
- Preparation of Articles of Incorporation
- Filing Articles of Incorporation with the Florida Department of State
- Obtain certificate of status
Fee for Basic Filing Service - Florida Corporations
Basic Filing Service - Florida Limited Liability Company:
- Preliminary name availability check
- Preparation of Articles of Organization
- File Articles of Organization with the Florida Department of State
- Obtain certificate of status
Fee for Basic Filing Service - Florida LLC's
Corporate Kit:
The Corporate Kit is a personalized book designed to keep the essential documents and records of the corporation all in one place. This Corporate Kit is the foundation for establishing the corporation's legal identity. The information contained in this kit contains information required by banks, governmental authorities, etc.
The Corporate Kit includes:
Articles of Incorporation
Corporate Bylaws
Stockholder Transfer Ledger
10 Shareholder Certificates
Organizational Resolutions
Commonly used minutes and resolutions for your use
Sample employement argreement
Sample independent contractor agreement
Commonly used IRS forms such as SS-4, Form 2553
Common Florida tax forms
Three ring binder with slip cover
Limited Liability Kit:
The Limited Liability Company Kit is a personalized book designed to keep the essential documents and records of the company all in one place. The information contained in this kit contains information required by banks, governmental authorities, etc.
The Limited Liability Company Kit includes:
Articles of Organization
Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement
Member Transfer Ledger
10 Membership Certificates
Organizational Resolutions
Commonly used minutes and resolutions for your use
Sample employement argreement
Sample independent contractor agreement
Commonly used IRS forms such as SS-4, Form 2553
Common Florida tax forms
Three ring binder with slip cover
Fee for Limited Liability Company Kit
Preparation of IRS Form SS-4 - Federal Tax Identification Number:
The Federal tax identification (FEIN) is a specific number assigned by the IRS to your Corporation or Limitied Liability Company and is similar to the social security number assigned to a natural person. This form is required for opening a bank account, tax returns etc. and is obtained by filing Fom SS-4 with the IRS.
Fee for preparing Form SS-4
Florida Business Incorporators will prepare the SS-4 form and provide it to you so that you may sign it and file it with the IRS.
Fee for preparing Form SS-4 and obtaining your entity's FEIN
Florida Business Incorporators will prepare your SS-4 form and OBTAIN your Federal Tax id number (FEIN).
$ |
55.00 |
Registered Agent Service:
All Florida corporations and LLC's must have a registered agent with an office located in the State of Florida to receive service of process and other legal notices on behalf of the Corporation or LLC. Our Registered Agent Service will provide a Florida address and will forward offical legal and tax documents to you when received.
Florida Registered Agent Service
Official Corporate or LLC Stamp:
The company stamp is used to imprint official company information on documents. Included on this official stamp is the company's name, date and state of formation. Company stamps are often required when opening banking accounts, distributing stock or membership certificates or conducting other company business.
Express Service:
If you need your Florida Corporation or LLC quickly, we will process your order with the highest possible priority using electronic submission and overnight mail. Although State processing time may vary, we will diligently monitor the processing of your Florida Corporation or LLC to ensuring the quickest turnaround time.
Express Service Fees